Disturbed, Frantic, Twisted...dark and wild...insanity prevails...
It might not be openly declared but there's no escaping that British cult rockers The Hangmen have been an inspiring force on the underground psychobilly scene since the early nineties...
They defy, nay violate accepted musical conventions in attitude, deed, and sound whilst creating a blend of psychobilly and garage punk which inspires in its uniqueness and irreverence; Predatory and creatively deranged - a salacious teaser of hell bent rock ‘n’ roll at its most deviously compelling. Something approaching The Cramps meeting Th’ legendary Shack Shakers as The Orson Family add their incestuous lures ultimately emerging as a depraved invasion all of the band’s own making, the punk stomp only matched up by the spicy grooves and fifties seeded boldness.
Rock & Roll Magazine UK
This is about as psychobilly as it gets. The Hangmen really have
never adhered to any rules. Whatever you call it, it’s great stuff.
Sick, twisted Psychobilly Punk. A foot-stomping, beer-swilling riot live.
The Hangmen occupy a strange, dark space. Imagine if The Damned, Slipknot and The Cramps met with Johnny Cash and Alice Cooper to watch The Rocky Horror Picture Show on a bottle of night nurse each. The Hangmen would be the band playing in the bar afterwards ~ Math Priest
Rhythm Magazine
Manilla Magazine
A unique band in todays musical climate...full of punk attitude rock and roll...a band that defy convention.
El Diablo
Anticipation can raise expectations so high that failure becomes increasingly likely, it was with trepidation that I slipped the disc on. I needn't have worried. As the last track played out I pressed the play button again... I've always considered The Hangmen to be an album band, but damn...you have to hear it to believe it.”
Die Psychocouch (Germany)
The Hangmen knock us about with their full-on psychobilly rock ‘n’ roll. They’re loud and they’re fast and their songs are not about the niceties of life – tales of murder, hell and death are thrown out over a backdrop of rumbling double bass and pounding drums. From full-on punk to heavy blues, it’s all delivered with real kick-ass energy.
Straight (Canada)
"Live pick of the week!"
"No-Shit attitude. Their sound is fast, raw and takes no prisoners - the sheer blood and thunder of the music is effective and impressive"
"The Hangmen are quite probably insane, a delightful cacophony of bizarre songs, something new delivering damn fine tunes your head may explode with delight!"
Big Cheese
“The Hangmen, thee most independent of Psychobilly bands come up with a no compromise killer album. Song writing is clever and hard hitting ...there are no taboos with The Hangmen, it's all here, murder, death and mental health issues with unsavoury vocal style, delivered on the back of a jack hammer double bass driven beat and guitar to make your ears bleed. 'Rotten To The Bone', decomposition never sounded so good. ”
" The UK Psychobilly scenes secret weapon The Hangmen are popping up all over the country to packed houses. Dark, moody and highly addictive, 'Rock 'n' Roll Freakshow' is a circus full of buzzsaw guitars, rockabilly cool and glacial lyrics, making this four tracker all killer"
Rue Morgue (Canada)
"This is no shit: The Hangmen kick ass consistently...Rock n'Roll macabre of this calibre simply can't be overlooked"
Howard Raucous
"Beserk, well written & performed - impressive...Bizarre punk rockabilly madness, sick & twisted, absolutely excellent, one of the world's best Psychobilly bands..."
Custom Car
"...its not common for CC to do music reviews but the latest from psychobilly renegades The Hangmen caught my ear..."Wake Up, Smell The Nitro"...ideal for those into rods and psychobilly."
"Music to die for. So loud it gives you nosebleeds...full on PsychobillyRockn'Roll..."
Scratch (USA)
"The Hangmen just toured Canada & the U.S. and amazed crowds everywhere they went... Highly recommended!!"
Deathrow Database
"Hard & fast, truly contagious Psychobilly no fan of the genre should be without...get it..."
Southern & Rocking
The Hangmen pepper their songs with an evil sense of humour, this is not the sort of thing you'd want to listen to alone...
Scootering Magazine
"Delivering the goods in their own unique style...more than worthwhile..."
Wild, scary intensity and insanity,
Psychotic Rock & Roll bile!
Scared the shit out of me...the band do follow their own path instead of any genre formula...
wild, handmade music...insane noisy passages...the line “I'll eat when I’m hungry, drink when I’m dry, fuck when I’m horny, curse, when I die” will go down in cultural history.